GWRC Te Motu Kairangi LVE report

Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) engaged Daysbay Design and Urbanhub Aotearoa to undertake a Landscape and Visual Effects (LVE) assessment as part of their resource consent application to construct a bus shelter on the legal road reserve within a visually sensitive area and on the seaward side of the road.

Following an assessment of the potential sensitivity of the available viewing audience, our visual assessment considered the potential change which will result from the visibility of the proposed structure. It should be remembered that views of a structure do not necessarily equate to visual effects. Visual impact is not always negative and a change in view is not automatically wrong.

Following the preparation of the report and based on professional judgment, we assessed the proposed structure to understand the likely significance of visual effects. The report also included recommendations in terms of the structure’s visual appearance and relationship with the coastal edge.