Legislation RMA Reform

UA’s NBE bill submission

UA’s NBE bill submission Urbanhub Aotearoa would like to commend the ministry for the opportunity to provide a written submission and speak about it with the Select Committee. Urbanhub Aotearoa was pleased to have the opportunity to present our submission on the RMA reform to the Select Committee. Find a copy of our sumission and our four […]

Legislation RMA Reform

‘Amenity’ that word

‘Amenity’ that word A discussion of the word amenity is called for  in the context of the RMA reform. It could end up being lost from our understanding of the values that are needed in the built environment. Amenity conveys  the value that feeds the human spirit when we look out of our windows and  walk our streets. Amenity is […]

Legislation RMA Reform

RMA Reform

Photo credit: Neill